Saturday, December 28, 2019

What You Need To Know About Marrying In The Military

What You Need To Know About Marrying In The MilitaryWhat You Need To Know About Marrying In The MilitaryServing in the military is a rewarding but challenging profession, but being the spouse of a military member requires an equal amount of maturity and toughness. Deployments can strain the strongest of relationships, however, having a strong spouse at home is a quality needed for military marriages to work. Here are some frequently asked questions about marriage in the military What Do I Need To Know? If you are in the United States (not assigned overseas), getting married as a member of the military is much the saatkorn as civilian marriages. You dont need advanced permission and there is no special military paperwork to fill out before the marriage. You simply get married according to the laws of the state where the marriage is taking place after obtaining a marriage license off-base. If you are overseas and marrying a foreign national, its a different story. There are multipl eforms to complete you must obtain counseling and your commanders permission (which is rarely withheld without very good reason) your spouse must undergo a security background check and pass a medical examination. Finally, the marriage has to be recognized by the United States Embassy. The entire process can take several months. Regardless of where or who, once married, if the spouse is non-military, the military member can bring a copy of the certified marriage certificate to the Personnel Headquarters on the base to receive a dependent ID card for the spouse, and enroll the spouse in DEERS (Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System), to qualify for military benefits such as medical coverage and commissary and base exchange privileges. Timing Is Important Timing can be important in a military marriage. If you have PCS (Permanent Change of Station) ordersand get married before you actually make the move, you can have your spouse added to your orders and the military will p ay for the relocation of your spouse and her property (furniture and such). However, if you report to your new duty assignment first, and then get married, you will have to pay for the relocation of your spouse out of your own pocket. Getting Married on Base The point of contact is the chaplains office. Each military base has one (or more) chapels that are used for religious services. One can get married in a base chapel, just as one can get married in a church off-base. Base chaplains offer a complete variety of marriage choices, including religious (alfruchtwein any denomination), non-religious, casual, civilian-formal, and military-formal. If the wedding is conducted by amilitary chaplain, there is never a fee. By regulation, chaplains cannot directly accept donations. Military-Formal Weddings The military formal wedding would entail the following An officer or enlisted personnel in the bridal party wear uniforms in accordance with the formality of the wedding and seasona l uniform regulations. For commissioned officers, evening dress uniform is the same as civilian white tie and tails. The dinner ormess dress uniformis equivalent to civilian black tie requirements. The choice to attend the wedding in uniform as a military guest is optional. In the case of non-commissioned officers and other enlisted, dress blues or Army green uniforms may be worn at formal or informal weddings. A female military member (officer or enlisted) may wear a traditional bridal gown, or she may be married in uniform. A boutonniere is never worn with the uniform. The Arch of Sabres is usually part of a military formal wedding. The arch of swords takes place immediately following the ceremony, preferably when the couple leaves the chapel or church, on the steps or walk out of the chapel. However, these sword bearers are your responsibility to gather and can be members of the family, friends, or groomsmen in the wedding. The military does not provide these members at weddings. What Is The Difference of Marrying Someone In the Military From a Civilian? Theres one primary difference, and thats in the area of housing benefits allowed after the marriage, rather than actual marriage procedures. There are two basic types of housing allowance (monetary allowance paid tomilitary memberswho live off base) Single allowance, and with dependent allowance. Usually, single (non-married) military members who are allowed to live off base receive the single allowance. Those who have dependents (civilian spouse and/or children) receive a larger allowance called the with dependent allowance. If two military members marry (assuming there are no children), eachreceivesthe single allowance. The total of both of these single allowances is always more than the with dependent allowance. If a military member marries another military member and they have children, one member will receive the with dependent rate, and the other member will receive the single rate. Usually, the m ember with the most rank receives the with dependent rate, because it means more money each month. Can Married Military Couples Request Postings Together? Each of the services has a program, called Join-Spouse in which the services try as hard as they can to station spouses together, or at least within 100 miles of each other. However, there is absolutely no guarantee. In order for spouses to be stationed together, there have to be slots (job positions) available to assign them to. For example, lets say that an Air Force B-1 aircraft mechanic married a Navy F-14 aircraft mechanic. Because the B-1 bomber is only stationed at certain Air Force bases, and because the F-14 Tomcat Fighter Aircraft is only stationed at certain Navy Bases, this couple is probably never going to be stationed together. The best the services could do would be to try and find a B-1 base as close as possible to an F-14 base (and, if this case, that would be at least 1,000 miles away). If a military person m arries a person in their same service, the chances of getting stationed together are better. Each of the services boasts aboutan 85percent success rate with in-service Join-Spouse. That sounds pretty good until you realize that there are 15 out of 100 military couples in each service who are not stationed together. When one marries someone in a different service, it becomes more complicated and the success rate of Join-Spouse goes down dramatically to somewhere around 50 percent. Honeymooning Whether on a honeymoon or not, military members can travel space available for free on military aircraft to locations around the world. If available leave time is a factor, Space-A travel might not be viable. To travel Space-A, a military member must already be on leave. Sometimes it can take several days for a flight with space available on it to be going in your direction. Also, one wants to make sure that there are adequate funds to buy a return ticket, in case the passenger cant find a Space-A flight available going back to the originating base. Check out theArmed Forces Vacation Club. This program allows military members to rent luxury condos around the world for $249 per week. In addition, manyhotelsand resorts offermilitary discounts it always pays to ask. If youre low on cash, a military couple can stay in billeting on anymilitary base, for about $16 to $20 per night - if you dont mind spending your honeymoon on a military base.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Maximizing Time Spent on Social Networks

Maximizing Time Spent on Social NetworksMaximizing Time Spent on Social NetworksDo you need to spend hours a day on some social networks channel or bopping from Facebook and LinkedIn to Twitter? Do you need to tweet? About what do you tweet?

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

This is the 1 leadership skill people tend to overlook

This is the 1 leadership skill people tend to overlookThis is the 1 leadership skill people tend to overlookTherbeie are several key leadership skills all great CEOs possess honesty, humility, empathy, the ability to delegate. Smarts.Ive been blessed to work with, and for, a variety of leaders who possess these skills. CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. Editors of small Oregon newspapers. Today, I lead my own company - BookBaby, the nations eminent self publishing services company - but in developing and honing my personal leadership style, Ive studied the people Ive worked for in the past, analyzing what, exactly, made them so effective. What accounts for their ability to inspire, unite, create?The answer I return to time and time again stems from what on the surface may seem like a surprising source their ability to tell great stories.Storytelling is the most underrated tool in business. Its certainly proved the most impactful tool in my management career. In fact, I believe that in order to be a truly great leader, you need to be able to tell great stories.Its unlikely you can run a successful, durable business otherwise.Simply put, stories inspireTo tell great stories is to convey the intangible, articulate the ineffable, and, yes, inspire the dejected. This is because great stories revolve around people - who they are, what they do, why theyre important. Telling stories about your employees, for your employees, can be a powerful way of engaging with them.Consider how much more impactful it is during an all-hands meeting to replace vague praise - Good job on that quarterly report, Karen - with specific praise in the form of an engaging narrative Karen helped this new romance author achieve her dreams for her first book, starting with suggesting book editing, then with helping her understand why eBooks are preferred for romance readers. Now, shes selling thousands of books on Amazon. Outstanding work, KarenThis is backed up by science. A large 10-year, 100, 000-person study conducted by HealthStream asked employees what they need most from their employers. Respondents with the highest morale reported that their managers were effective at singling them out for recognition, often by way of telling stories about the great work theyd done.Stories help teams and organizations bondSpeaking of science, Uri Hasses of Princeton University once conducted a study in which he analyzed brain activity in audiences as they listened to a speaker tell a story. He compared their brain activity to that of the speaker. He found that both the speaker and the listeners brains were operating and engaging on similar wavelengths when the story was being told, even though just one person was producing language - the others were merely consuming it.What this proves is telling a great story is quite literally a means of connection, which means it can double as a way to foster cohesion around a mission, a process, or a culture.Storytelling is the best medium of c ommunication.The best leaders Ive worked for have articulated who they are and whats important to them through stories.To lead effectively, one must be identifiable as a real person. You must be relatable, approachable, and trustworthy. Telling stories about yourself or your experience is a great way to make yourself known like this.Stories prove powerful in explaining impersonal things, too. Especially when it comes to conveying your views on delicate issues such as diversity, inclusion, or some controversial new strategy - explanations which require nuance, subtly, definitions of ideas and feelings which are inherently hard to define - stories almost always prove more effective than PowerPoint slides or Excel sheets.That said, telling great stories is harder than you thinkIn his landmark book, The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell identifies a key ingredient of telling great stories called, The Stickiness Factor. He defines The Stickiness Factor as the quality that compels people to pay close, sustained attention to a product, concept, or idea.So what kinds of stories are Sticky? Theyre the ones that proveTangible and succinct. No management-speak is ever wanted or needed.Full of metaphors and analogies. Strong, image-invoking language adds impact and broadens context.Full of emotion. Emotion drives many peoples decisions. Dont be afraid to appeal to both the logical and emotional parts of the brain.Surprising Want to make your stories really sticky? Include a plot twist or surprise. Studies show surprise triggers the release of adrenaline in the brain, which enhances memory formation.At the end of the day, not everyone will be an incredibly engaging storyteller. Its harder for some than it is for others. Yet the best way to improve - other than lending credence to the advice above - is somewhat simple start listening.The biggest barrier to telling stories at work is not having stories to tell.Tomorrows leaders need to start collecting their own stories to day. You never know when something teachable and memorable will happen to you. When it does, write it down, and file it away.Who knows? Your next great story - along with the next, more impactful chapter of your leadership career - is likely waiting to be told.This article was originally published on Medium.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

5 Steps You Can Take Today to Land Your Dream Job Tomorrow

5 Steps You Can Take Today to Land Your Dream Job Tomorrow5 Steps You Can Take Today to Land Your Dream Job Tomorrow Almost 30 percent of 25- to 33-year-olds know what their dream job is, but they arent sure how to get it, according to LinkedIn .Are you one of them? If so, consider these five steps to landing your dream job.When Laura Mael was laid off from a banking job she liked in 2011, she did what many newly unemployed people do She regrouped.I found my dream job by evaluating what I really loved to do over my 25-year career and listing the things I wanted to keep doing as well as stop doing, said Mael, who works in public relations for a bank.There were 17 things on the positive side, and Mael gets to do all of them at her current job.Consider other strategies to ensure that the dream job youll be chasing is worth getting. Start by interviewing someone who currently holds the position you covet. Dont just ask how they got it. landsee if you can shadow them for a day or more so you can get afeel for what the job is really like.Rachel Carroll had the benefit of knowing during her college years that she wanted to be a designer. Upon graduation, she sought out a junior designer role only to be rebuffed.Before landing my dream job, I was an intern , said Carroll, whos the senior head of user experience (UX) at StudySoup. It isnt always easy pursuing an internship, as the demands are high, and many internships are unpaid or provide only a small stipend. But the payoff is invaluable.If you find yourself in Carrolls shoes, dont think internships are beneath you. They could lead right into your preferred role.If youve been out of college longer, see if you might have to retrace your steps to earn a different degree, continue your education , or take on an entry-level or midlevel position. You wont want to be disqualified by hiring managers for your dream job because you never gained a basic certification.Your roadmap should outline each step up to your ideal job. Carroll, for example, wanted to lead the UX team for her abflugup. So she started on a spectrum that included titles such as intern designer, UX or user interface designer and head of design.Make your career roadmap even more worthwhile by estimating how much time you should spend in each position. You can find hints by considering the job description for your dream role. The description could reveal what experience you need to qualify.Getting hands-on experience is imperative. It could prove to hiring managers that youve experienced - not just read about - everything you need to know for your ultimate gig. Itll also confirm your career choice for yourself. If Carroll didnt enjoy the ins and outs of UX design, for example, she probably wouldnt have loved managing a design team.Dont be afraid to switch employers if it keeps you pointed north on your roadmap. You wont be alone if youre mobile. Thirty-five percent of employees have switched jobs in the last three years, according to Gallup .Just remember that every former colleague and current co-worker is a connection that could help push you where you want to go. Include them as you network your way to the top .I started sharing with everyone, I love to do this, do you know anyone who needs someone who does this? said Mael.Now imagine interviewing for your dream job . Youre sitting across from a hiring manager, and they have your resume in one hand and the job description in the other.What isnt going to match up? Its healthy to ask yourself this question as you follow your roadmap - and before you start applying for your dream job.Mael, for example, had more than two decades of experience working toward her dream job as a public relations professional. However, she identified four gaps in her resume, including a lack of experience with TV or radio and a lack of connections with influencers in her field.One of Maels less-than-dream jobs on her way up the ladder, however, allowed her to i nterview C-level executives on-air. That experience helped her bridge some of the gaps on her resume.When critiquing your candidacy for your dream job, be hard on yourself. When you identify areas where youre lacking, strategize on how to improve. Volunteer to take on extra projects at work if you have to. Better yet, start a side hustle to build your expertise.Not everyones career path is as straight as Carrolls. Its likelier that your path will resemble Maels.Like Mael, its OK to be flexible. Your dream job could change as you gain experience and build connections. What you want to do today might be different from what you want to do in five or 10 years.As long as youre working in the right direction, youll end up in the right place - where your dream job will be waiting.This article was originally published on Student Loan Hero . It is reprinted with permission.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Top Sections of a Resume Choices

Top Sections of a Resume Choices What You Can Do About Sections of a Resume Beginning in the Next Two Minutes The info near the top of the webpage is what people look initially, which means you should use that prime real estate for the most important and impressive details. Then make a list of yur matching skills that it is possible to incorporate in your resume. So want to get the list to be simple to read. While it sounds basic, yet many resumes can leave out contact information or other similar important info. Its extremely crucial to tailor your summary section to the particular job posting. Again, the overview of qualifications section doesnt mean an overview of all your qualifications. Based on your professional profile, including a specific resume section devoted to honors and awards may be exactly what you have to stick out in the application procedure. In the veranstaltung youve attended the very best universities in the world like an Ivy League university or a top MBA school, put that information in your summary category as it should stick out. The Importance of Sections of a Resume Regardless of the kind of resume you write, there are many sections of information youll want to include to advertise yourself to an employer. Dont add resume categories in case you cant list at the very least a few things in every single section. Prioritize the unique resume sections you decide to add. The work experience section will most likely take up the majority of the space on your resume. The overview of qualifications section is arguably the main section in a resume. Titles of sections may also be modified to spell out the info presented more accurately. Therefore, if youd like, you can set the Skills section over the Work Experience section. Theres also an Examples section especially for Infobytes if youre unsure of what to write. Things You Should Know About Sections of a Resume Usually, for any specific position, youll locate minimum qualifi cations and preferred qualifications. Dont neglect to mention the skilled certifications youve received since theyre a proof of your capability and proficiency. Especially whenever there are countless different applicants with similar qualifications and abilities. The overview of qualifications is intended to provide a summary of the applicants experience and credentials. If youre a new graduate and dont have any appropriate experience, then the most relevant issue is your education. If you discover that its challenging to compose a definitive statement of your objective, describe the skills you need to use or the functions you wish to carry out. Neatly dividing your whole list of critical skills into relevant subsections is vital. Be honest since there is a rather high probability that whatever you list is verified during the finished screening practice. The differences may be subtle, but its great to have a whole reader in mind so that you know who youre attempting to impr ess. Mentioning your age and date of birth in your resume depends upon the industry which youre in and the nation that you are targeting. If you choose to incorporate an objective, specify the kind of position you are trying to find. Youll enhance your odds of finding the internship if you scrape up a small bit of experience first. Now you have a fairly good collection of skills going for your intended position, look at expanding beyond that. Dont make the error of answering each job posting with the exact same generic resume. You really need to find out more about the job and company (starting with the work description) and place the abilities and keywords THEY mention. Things You Wont Like About Sections of a Resume and Things You Will What You need to Do If you havent any work experience, then you ought to stick to the exact format. As an example, many analyst jobs need you to use Excel and PowerPoint on a normal basis. For online resumes, its better to put Will be suppl ied upon request. The business email format must be easy with left margin. When entering content, you will see a toolbar over the editing field. Click on a resume s name to visit the editing page for this document. It is possible to also use our downloadable resume templates to have you started. A resume template is intended to be somewhat generic. Youve got streamlined an administrative approach. The accomplishments that you select to grow your resume has to be relevant to the work vacancy youre applying to or relate in some way to the business or specific business. If your resume isnt optimized for ATS technology, it is not going to even make it to the desk of somebody. For instance, if youre an IT professional who is searching for a graphic designer job, you may create a Graphic Design Experience to list off your background in graphic design and after that incorporate an Additional Experience section to highlight your other work experiences which are not directly regarding the area of work that you wanna break into. Computer skills might also be relevant for men and women in technical fields like Information Technology (IT), Programming, etc.. Dont include your high school unless its nationally recognized or in an area in which you need to do the job. Infographic-style resumes have gotten popular, and they may be effective when done well. The donation request letter, as stated previously, needs to be correctly drafted and it needs to be free from any writing mistakes as that makes a negative feeling. Fundraising donation letter is absolutely an important bit of letter that could greatly aid a person or an organization thats seeking financial help. A well-written guarantee letter might be put to use as an instrument to pull customers.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Forbidden Truth About Trusted Resume Writing Service Uncovered by an Expert

The Forbidden Truth About Trusted Resume Writing Service Untitelbilded by an Expert Trusted Resume Writing Service - Is it a Scam? Rest assured you will be receiving an expert suite of tafelgeschirrs which will help maximize yur careers success. An actual professional can help you create the suitable portfolio that may help you to get the job that youve always dreamt of. When you register for our services, you will have the ability to browse several nursing resume examples. You may get assistance from a group of specialists. Ruthless Trusted Resume Writing Service Strategies Exploited Custom writing means a severe company with high standards. Dont feel intimidated if you believe that youre not experienced enough. The Ultimate Trusted Resume Writing Service Trick You also get to find profiles of their professional writers so that you can form an instantaneous connection. You dont need to be worried about having a resume writer whos unaware of the role which you are applying for. You may also benefit from our cover letter writer to be suitably ready for your upcoming interview. Choosing online essay writers isnt a nightmare anymore. Wanting to update your resume after youve taken a career break is never simple, particularly if you have been out of the workforce for a long time. Resume writing is the most crucial step in presenting your abilities and receiving the job that you desire. You ought to make sure youre ready to list your experience in a professional means to find a better job. Following that, you need to expound on your work experience. What you have to do is to fill out the purchase form, make a payment, and in two or three minutes, you will receive your individual essay helper. Our resume service can make sure you get a well-polished document that will convey your previous credentials and demonstrated why youd be desired by means of an employer. Its really hard to write a good resume all on your own. Choose the most suitable CV builder that will help you create your professional cover letter and resume. The most suitable CV and cover letter will allow you to do that. The absolutely free review is in fact free, hassle-free, and doesnt need a credit card to start. Its possible to observe that Boardroom Resumes has made an effort to assemble genuine on-line reviews. A cover letter is a document which should be used regardless of what position youre applying for. It gives you the chance to highlight the positive attributes that make you an ideal employee. If your cover letter follows all the essential rules of cover-letter writing and contains all the essential info, you will improve your odds of getting the job that you desire. A standard cover letter should include your name, email and contact number at the peak of the webpage. All you need to do is to select the suitable CV builder to submit the finest and most professionally written resume. When a resume writing service improves its site, its al ways an excellent thing. If you are searching for a higher-end company, please see the top 10 list mentioned previously. 1 online resume service isnt equal to another. There are all sorts of job application documents, including some that arent available at other sites. The procedure is quite easy. Yes, the web site appears nice and many services a work applicant needs are readily available. Choosing a neighborhood agency to compose your resume is a great way to support local businesses in your region.